Senior Cloud Engineer
Seeking a Middle+/Senior Cloud Engineer for a fast-growing consulting company with a passion for data and cloud technology.
4500-5500$ USD
To be expected:
  • Create, deploy and manage cloud infrastructure using IaC concepts;
  • Integrate and manage third party data solutions;
  • Be a good leader;
  • Find solutions and implement them qualitatively, as per customer request.


  • Experience From 3 years +.
  • Experience with AWS;
  • Understanding of the Python ecosystem from on-premises to production environments;
  • Experience with DevOps methodologies using the Python language;
  • Working in a delivery-oriented team using Agile methodology;
  • Comfortable working with Docker and related orchestration tools;
  • Analyzing and implementing cloud security best practices;
  • English B2+ sufficient to communicate fluently with team and customers.

Personal Qualitys:

  • Communication skills;
  • Autonomy;
  • Attention to detail;
  • Curiosity.
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