Game Mathematician
В компанию, предоставляющую услуги по оптимизации и миграции в cloud, ищу DevOps Engineer.
Вам предстоит заниматься миграцией в Yandex Cloud.
5000-8000 €
Удаленная работа

Role overview:

  • In this role math designer will be сreatively balancing the games to provide good gameplay experiences, to create profitable and successful slots, and to analyze statistically, categorize and verify the math. Math Designer is working closely with the entire game development team to deliver an overall enjoyable playing experience. Math designer collaborates with game platform engineers to create simulation tools, QA to improve gameplay testing, and business to ensure games perform well in production. Researching successful slot games and features will be a great part of the main activities for a math designer.


  • Create and maintain mathematical models for slot games and games in other genres;

  • Understand and reverse engineer math models for games on the market;

  • Create computer simulation models for game math to ensure performance within required parameters;

  • Work with various disciplines throughout the development cycle to deliver games to players;

  • Verify mathematical correctness of game implementation collaborating with developers and testers;

  • Playtest and tune games in development together with the other team members Draw conclusions from historical statistical analysis and supervising future analysis on slot statistics,profits, rankings, and player behavior with business development; team;

  • Conduct performance analysis for games in production;

  • Propose recommendations to fine-tune games in production for better performance.

Work conditions:

  • Full-time position (remote work);
  • Enjoy working in a Hi-Tech resident company;
  • Great community of Ruby experts and other industry professionals;
  • Highly-competitive compensation, motivation, benefits, and social programs.
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